Return to School Workshops

Following the meetings held by the Inclusion Service with most schools in Wolverhampton in Summer 2020 to discuss supporting vulnerable learners during the return to school, we put together an offer of 1-hour workshops addressing some of the key issues raised. Sessions were led by members of the Outreach Service, Educational Psychology Service and Inclusion Team. Recordings of these sessions are available here.


Duration: 1 hour

Presenters: Amanda Moran (Outreach)

Adaptations you can make to support a child with ADHD on their return to school.


Duration: 1 hour

Presenters: Emily Cobb (EP Service)

Responding to Anger using De-escalation Strategies.


Duration: 1 hour

Presenters: Eve Griffiths (Outreach)

Managing anxiety in the classroom.

Autism (Primary focus)

Duration: 1 hour

Presenters: Angela Gallagher (Outreach)

How can we successfully reintegrate a child with Autism into a primary classroom following the C-19 lock down?


Duration: 1 hour

Presenters: Eve Griffiths (Outreach)

Supporting children who have experienced a bereavement on their return to school.

Cognition and Learning

Duration: 1 hour

Presenters: Isabel Blower (Outreach)

Adaptations you can make to support a child with MLD or SLD on their return to school.

Planning a successful Transition

Duration: 1 hour

Presenters: Eve Griffiths (Outreach)

Returning a child with SEND to school post C-19 lock down. A suggested transition document will be shared.

Restorative Conversations

Duration: 1 hour

Presenters: Elaine Perry (EP) and Daljit Dhamia (Inclusion Team)

Using Restorative Conversations within Inclusion Meetings.

SEMH (Primary focus)

Duration: 1 hour

Presenters: Amanda Taylor and Sarah Jacks (Outreach)

Supporting primary aged children with SEMH needs on their return to school.

SEMH (Secondary focus)

Duration: 1 hour

Presenters: Outreach

Supporting secondary aged children with SEMH needs on their return to school.

Sensory and Physical needs

Duration: 1 hour

Presenters: Kate Rogers (Outreach)

Meeting sensory and physical needs during school transition.