What we do

Educational Psychologists (EPs) are adults who work with lots of children and young people up to the age of 25 years old, usually to help solve a problem that you or the adults working with you might have.

They will listen to what you say and will try to help people think of ways to make school or college better for you.

They may also work with your parents, teachers and other adults to share ideas on learning, using your strengths, coping with difficulties and keeping you safe.

An Educational Psychologist works to understand how you might: think, feel, behave, learn and/or interact with others.

What can an Educational Psychologist do to support me?

Some of the things that an EP might help you with include:

  • Thinking and learning
  • School work
  • Friendships
  • Understanding feelings
  • Problem solving
  • Memory
  • Communication

What will happen if I am referred to an Educational Psychologist?

If you are aged 13 years old or above, you will be asked to sign a form to say that you agree to meet with an EP.  Your parent/carer will also be asked to sign the form.

Once the form has been signed, an EP will make an appointment to start their work with you.  During the appointment, an EP might:

  • Watch one of your lessons in school to see what your strengths are, and see what things you might find more difficult.
  • Spend time with you at school talking (either by yourself, or as part of a group). These sessions can be before, during or after school or they can take place at home.
  • Complete some work with you to see what your strengths are, and what things you might find more difficult.
  • Look at your school work.
  • Talk to teachers and parents/carers.  They might also talk to other people that have been supporting you.
  • Use a variety of therapeutic approaches to help you to make positive changes in your life.
  • Help your parent/carer and your school to set up some activities to monitor your progress

What will talking to an Educational Psychologist be like?

It can sometimes be hard to tell people (especially when they are strangers) about what you are thinking or feeling, but an EP will want to make you feel comfortable and will not make you say or do anything you are not happy with.

An EP will provide you with a safe space to talk and they will listen carefully to what you say.

You have the right to tell them if there is something you do not wish to be shared. The only time we are not able to keep something confidential, is if it is something very serious that adults need to know about to keep you or someone else safe.

What will happen after I have met with an Educational Psychologist?

From the information that the EP collects they will work with you and the people in your life to look for ways forward. Sometimes the EP will meet you once, or they might meet you several times.
You have a right to say what you think and to be listened to at meetings when decisions are being made. Your views and questions are very important and it will be easier for us to help you and the people who work with you if we know what you are thinking.

If you have any other questions you would like to ask the Educational Psychologist it’s a good idea to write them down and give them to your teacher or bring them with you when you meet the Educational Psychologist.  Check out our FAQs page to see if your question is answered there.