Accessing our service

On most occasions school should put in place interventions to be able to meet a child/young person’s needs. The school will have a system in place to monitor and review the progress of all children and young people. However, if concerns persist, teachers may seek advice and support from the Educational Psychologist, if they have tried all their strategies to support the child/young person.

A named (or 'Link’) Educational Psychologist visits school giving school staff the opportunity to discuss any general issues or concerns.

An Educational Psychologist can only become involved with parent/carer(s) and the young person’s permission. We do not currently take referrals for direct involvement from parents/carers. However, parents and carers living in Wolverhampton can request a free remote consultation, of up to 30 minutes, with a member of the Educational Psychology Service.

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Special circumstances

An Educational Psychologist will automatically become involved if an Education Health and Care Plan Assessment is requested for a child or young person.

If a child or young person is in care, excluded, not attending school or is being supported by the Youth Offending Team, the Local Authority might ask the Educational Psychologist to be involved.