Wolverhampton Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Pathway
The Pathway provides good practice guidance for promoting wellbeing and positive behaviour in school. It outlines steps that school staff can take to identify the right strategies, understand children’s needs and difficulties better, and plan and review support. The guidance aligns with the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). It provides a framework for a graduated response to identifying needs and implementing support.
The Educational Psychology Service offers free training to support this guidance. Please visit our Training and Events page and look for “Getting it Right: Positive Steps to Support Behaviour and Emotional Wellbeing in Schools.” The guidance booklet, word versions of planning documents and an ABC chart can be found below.
Wolverhampton Education Staff Wellbeing Toolkit
The Staff Wellbeing Toolkit, developed by the Wolverhampton Educational Psychology Service, contains:
- information about wellbeing
- an audit tool for you to use to explore wellbeing and support in your setting
- many practical resources and ideas that you can use to support staff wellbeing
Restorative conversations
Making Action Plans
Making Action Plans, also known as a MAP, is a person-centred planning tool used to help individuals, families or organisations create a shared vision of a positive future.
- What we do
- Subscribing
- Critical Incident Support
- Resources
- Promoting Inclusion from the Early Years Project
- Trauma Informed Attachment Aware Schools (TIAAS)
- Wolverhampton Education Wellbeing Network
- Events & Training
- E-Learning sessions
- Leading Mental Health in Schools award
- Return to school workshop
- Training available on request