DfE assured Senior Mental Health Lead Training
The Educational Psychology Service runs the DfE assured Senior Mental Health Lead course, Leading Mental Health in Schools Award. This course will give you the tools and skills you need to lead practice in your school to promote emotional wellbeing and identify and respond to mental health needs.
The course aligns with the Senior Mental Health Lead learning outcomes and covers the following areas:
- Whole-School Approaches
- Identifying need and monitoring impact of interventions
- Targeted support and appropriate referrals
- Staff development
- Enabling the student voice
- Working with parents, families and carers
You will be supported to develop your understanding and practice through taught sessions, coaching sessions and by reflecting on your setting’s current practice and your role.
The course is led by Educational Psychologists, with input from other professionals including University of Wolverhampton, CAMHS and the Co-production and Youth Engagement Team.
We have worked alongside the University of Wolverhampton and you will have the option of gaining 20 Masters Credits towards an MA in Education by completing an assignment linked to the course (NB: This is not a requirement to gain the Leading Mental Health in Schools Award). You will have access to a University Tutor and library facilities if you choose to complete the Masters assignment.
Who is this for?
The award is aimed at Senior Mental Health Leads and those in education settings with a lead for emotional wellbeing and mental health.
What is involved?
- The course spans 9 months, and we maintain a waiting list for those interested in joining. A new cohort will begin once we have a sufficient number of participants enrolled.
- Monthly (term time) 3-hr sessions
- A short presentation to the course cohort about applying learning in your setting
- An optional 3000-word Master’s Level Assignment (tutorials and support provided)
What are the Outcomes?
- Assured DfE SMHL training
- Certificate of Attendance and Celebratory Event
- Optional - 20 Masters Credits towards an MA in Education if you choose to complete the assignment
What does the course cost?
- £500 course cost.
- Additional £300 for the Masters accreditation if you choose to complete this.
- You can use your Senior Mental Health Lead DfE grant for this.
How to book
Book your place on SLA Online
For more information contact elaine.perry@wolverhampton.gov.uk
- What we do
- Subscribing
- Critical Incident Support
- Resources
- Promoting Inclusion from the Early Years Project
- Trauma Informed Attachment Aware Schools (TIAAS)
- Wolverhampton Education Wellbeing Network
- Events & Training
- E-Learning sessions
- Leading Mental Health in Schools award
- Return to school workshop
- Training available on request